Wholesale Customers

We are glad you are interested in carrying Heather Candles in your store. Please fill out the form below to receive our Wholesale Application.

Two women smiling near decorated candles in a workspace with phonebooks pressing flowers in the backgound.
Large metal double boiler used for melting wax.
Pressing wildflowers used in Heather Candles.
Drill press used for wicking candles used in Heather Candles
Candle molds arranged in a workspace.
Heather Candles restuarant logo table top candle for fine dining.

Heather Candles Wholesale Application

Please fill out this form if you are interested in our Wholesale Pricing. We will then email you a Wholesale Application. Upon approval, you will be emailed our Wholesale Order Form with pricing. A state re-sellers license or EIN will be required for a wholesale account. Feel free to call or email the studio for faster service.

406-607-1703 - heathercandlesmt@gmail.com